Case Study: The Solar Calculator by Contigo Energía

Initial Context
Contigo Energía, a branch of the Gesternova Group, has been providing 100% renewable energy and representing clean energy producers since 1986. Specializing in solar photovoltaic energy, they needed to update an essential tool for their users: the solar self-consumption calculator on their website.
The Challenge
To update and improve the existing solar calculator, allowing users to estimate the installation cost of self-consumption solar systems, making it more intuitive, accurate, and accessible.
Development Proposal
We began with a series of conversations with the client to better understand which improvements were the top priority. With that information, we planned a comprehensive update that would add new functionalities and optimize the user experience.
The Solution
We modernized the calculator to now gather key data such as location, roof orientation and tilt, along with the user’s consumption patterns. The tool, powered by an internal service from Contigo Energía, provides personalized budget estimates. Additionally, we integrated the Google Maps API, which allows for address autocomplete, making the entire process more intuitive.
Here’s the process we designed to request a solar self-consumption quote:

Technologies We Used
It is an open source content management system (CMS) that makes it easy to create and manage websites.
Google Maps
The Maps JavaScript API allows you to customize maps with your own images and content for display on web pages and mobile devices.
JS (JavaScript)
JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity and dynamics to web pages, allowing for a more fluid user experience.
Happy Ending
The new calculator is not only easier to use, but also improved in design and functionality, leading to an increase in inquiries about solar self-consumption systems. We also cleaned up the code to minimize errors and improved the page’s accessibility and SEO, ensuring smooth navigation and greater online visibility.